Replicated building fascia can be installed onto Scaffolding structures. Building sites are always an eye saw and ruins the view of everyday people. This is why producing a digitally printed mesh building wrap or scaffolding banner can help in disguising the scaffold structure. The digitally printed building wrap will enhance the local area whiles the construction work is being carried out. It will also help keep the dust down to a minimum during the renovation work.
Replicated Building Fascia With Printed Wrap onto scaffolding.
Buildings of national importance like The Monument and St Paul’s Cathedral in London. These had images of the building fascias digitally printed on a building wrap whilst they were under construction. This hides the scaffolding, whilst the renovations were being carried out. Although it will never be a good as seeing the building in the flesh, tourist would have at least something to look which visually represented the building.
But your building does not need to be a tourist attraction to warrant a building wrap if it’s going under construction. Building wraps costs less than you think and start from a little as £1000 + VAT. We can work with your scaffold contractor so they can get the scaffolding prepared for the building wrap. We require a perimeter subframe which is around 300 mm proud from the main scaffolding structure. If this is done when the scaffold structure is being erected then the additional costs for the subframe are minimal.
Smaller scaffold wraps we are happy to just supply the print and the scaffold contractor could install it. Large wraps we would recommend our qualified and experienced team to carry out the installation.
For an estimate for replicated Building Fascia, scaffolding wrap or printed hoarding boards please contact us.
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