Building wrap advertising is mainly used in large cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester. This is due to the larger footfall and road traffic in big cities. They have also been used where there is a high traffic volume like on the old Fort Dunlop building on the M6 near Birmingham. The grade 1 listed building has been used a few times for building wrap advertising, which covers one elevation of the 24 meter high x 130 meter long building. Traffic volume on the M6 is around 48,000 (at peak times can be up to 125,000!) vehicles a day. With an average of 1.45 passengers in a vehicle (includes the driver) this give an impression rate of around 70,000 per day. This is why building wrap advertising a viable advertising medium if the building is in a busy location.
So why is not everyone using Building wrap advertising?
Mainly because the council planners do not like this type of advertising, with the default position of not allow them. Its up to the advertiser to persuade them otherwise which can be difficult and expensive. The advertiser will probably need to involve professional planning consultants to argue the case.
Planning consent can be granted if there is a strong case.
This Building wrap advertising we produced for Somerset House is a good example of what the council planners are willing to accept. The building was undergoing refurbishment so needed scaffolding. Covering up the unattractive the scaffolding will be of some benefit. The advertising is for an exhibition in Somerset House. Again, some benefit to the public making them aware of the exhibition. Advertising your business on a building your operating out of whilst its under refurbishment/construction the council planners will look more favourable at. Erecting scaffolding on a third-party building for the sole purpose of advertising revenue they will look less favourably at.
Somerset House advertising change over
This is the second change over for Somerset House, and its good to see they are making use of large unique space. Measuring over 12 meters high x 25 meters long the banner was digitally printed high resolution onto a mesh PVC material. The building wrap banner is finished with webbing and large eyelets every 300mm.
For more information on our other projects for Somerset house please visit: www.projectprintmanagement.co.uk/facade-building-wrap and www.projectprintmanagement.co.uk/building-wrap-artwork