Print Projects Blog

Printed hoarding graphics for developers marketing their construction site in Wigmore street, London. Hoarding graphics are an essential marketing and advertising tool for developers. Getting the construction sites marketing message

Printed Building wrap living garden onto building to hide scaffolding. We were asked by one of our best clients to produce a Printed building wrap banner to cover scaffolding in

Printed ACM/Dibond was used to convert this shipping container. Another challenging print job completed in Wimbledon, Greater London. We were tasked with installing printed ACM or Dibond onto a shipping container

Large banner Wrap on Scaffolding at Somerset House. Somerset House is a major arts and cultural centre in the heart of London and during the summer months shows cult and

From the busy streets of Trafalgar Square to the towering buildings in Tokyo, printed hoardings have been a staple in the advertising industry for centuries. These massive displays of visual

Marketing Hoardings for New Development in London Marketing a new development during its construction is a good way to sell the houses and apartments before they are even finished being

Protective Aluminium Print we used to protecting listed buildings during construction work. This is vital if we are to preserve our architectural heritage. This is not too difficult if you

Mesh Building Wrap Screen is the largest single piece we have done this year was Loseley House in Guildford Surrey. With a total measurement of a massive 16 meters high

Now we are always up for a challenge but this digital printed vinyl wraps on a marketing suite for a new development site in Kent really did test us! We

Digitally Printed Aluminium hoarding on School under refurbishment, Hoarding included anti-graffiti laminated for extra protection against vandalism. Construction Work has started on the three projects at the independent school; a

Advertising Banner frame system are good but not when the hoarding structure has not been installed well. Using PVC banners on building site hoardings can be challenging. Whilst the cost

Colourful and Creative Wall cladding printing on aluminium panels. The final touches and last pieces of the refurbishment upgrade of the William Morris Primary School in Mitcham, London were finally

Photographic Building wrap are getting more popular and affordable as the digital print price has come down in the past few years. We can wrap with a digitally printed mesh

High end signage and window graphics for Prestige Pawnbrokers featured on Channel 4 Posh Pawn. James Constantinou the founder wanted the very best signage and window graphics to ensure his

Backlit building wrap: This backlit building wrap print was installed at the Bulldog pub for the Brighton and Hove Pride. Digitally printed on a special backlit PVC similar to the

Printed aluminium panels are a great way to brighten up old building and The William Morris Junior School was undergoing a refurbishment program and the Head wanted to brighten up

Mesh Banner are used for building wraps mainly because its lighter in weight and not because it lets the wind through. The price of printed building wraps is less than

Building Wrap Banner Covers Construction Site for marketing development. Nu Builds the Fulham and Chelsea basement and refurbishment specialised called in Project Print Management as they wanted their building sites

High Quality Stainless Steel Shop Signage for Prestige Pawnbrokers in Richmond, Surrey. Shop signage is your best advertisement and getting the signage right is vital as it tells alot about the

Printed Hoarding to make building site hoardings more attractive is becoming increasingly popular as opposed to using them for a marketing. With the housing market booming in London and the

Colourful Storage Walls wraps, Office Cupboard Graphics wrap to brighten up working environment. Creative wall wraps with inspiring messages and images. Many offices often have large storage walls which can

Revitalize Your Office with Digitally Printed Wallpaper A dynamic and engaging office environment plays a crucial role in fostering productivity, creativity, and overall employee morale. One of the most effective

Cost of Printed Building Hoardings: An Effective Marketing Tool at a Lower Price Than You Think Printed building hoardings are becoming an increasingly popular marketing and advertising tool for construction

Window Decals and Window Vinyl Graphics for Shops and Offices. The Power of Window Vinyl Graphics: An Inexpensive, Innovative Marketing Tool Got a shop? Preparing for a launch? Planning a

Sports Signage, Event Branding are great ways to advertise a sports events. With summer around the corner all the outdoor sports events in England will be starting. Sports venues provide an
Welcome to the Project Print Management blog page.
Where large format print projects comes to life.
Here we showcase some of our latest work demonstrating our ability to design, print and install some of the most audacious print projects.
No job is too big, literally. However, not every project is going to be as exciting as wrapping a football stadium or a trompe l’oeil building wrap on Somerset House. Although Building wraps and advertising hoardings is an area we specialise in, we also can supply a whole range of large format digital print. Ranging from fleet vehicle wrapping and window graphics to exhibition displays and point of sale.
Specialising in super wide format print we can print onto almost any material. From PVC and mesh to canvas and cardboard.
Here at Project Print Management we have no in-house print production which gives us the freedom to ensure your print requirements are fully satisfied.
Large Format Digital Print Projects
New inks and latest print media are the outcome of progress in the field of digital printing. All these newly introducing things have groundbreaking impact on lives of people
New Trends in Large-Format Digital Printing
Here we have 4 important large-format digital printing trends:
1- It has been seen a huge emerging demand of fabric based signage and nonwoven wall graphics. Extended flexibility and lightweight of soft signage is the cause of its popularity among the people. Fabric based printing media can be utilized for illuminated signage, home/office stylistic layout, tradeshow designs, banners, showy presentations, flags, table window hangings, and custom upholstery. For wall murals and pattern designer’s fabric based media printing is getting popular promptly.
2- Digital printing media in combination with LED technology are gaining huge popularity among the masses. These are less in price, brighter and have better ability to stand with advertisements.
3- As per a research conducted by Info Trends titled “Looking for BIG Opportunity in Graphic Communications and Specialty Printing” in December 2017, 61% of PSP’s clients needed their Large Format digital prints turned-around in under 24 hours. This implies that PSP’s must be able to have not only the fast printers but also the printers providing you with the first-time-right quality of the print.
4- Despite having a huge comfort and automation offered by PSP, many printers have to get the hands of others to help them. It remains the responsibility of the workers to check the print quality out of the printing nozzle, if there is any issue in the printing it would hugely increase the cost as it causes the loss of hundreds of meters of digitally printed media, revise, and extended time to client satisfaction. In the latest printers, an excellent head monitoring and newer technologies have been introduced. All these technologies have been included to make the quality of printing better, and the print quality is kept same throughout the printing. That is why, these kind of latest printers can work without the presence of key operators, enabling them to go about their work-day.
PPM large format digital printers are an extraordinary approach to go into the large format displaying illustrations printing business, for taking advantage of new markets and different profits streams, and recovering redistributed work. In case of our large format digital printing, size is not only the point of concern. We use modern printers in departments where large format is required. There remains a use of completely eco-friendly and odorless material in printing of flexes and banners, especially when they deal with indoor activities like exhibitions.
On the off chance that you need assistance deciding whether large format digital printing arrangement is the correct change for your business, or need direction in choosing a printer or dissecting the genuine expenses of a printing scheme and the manners in which it will have effect on your ROI, it would be ideal if you have a touch with us as soon as possible.